About Us

“Harmony makes small things grow, lack of it makes great things decay.” It is this harmony and balance that rules the roost in the cosmos and keeping this in mind it was realised that the same need to be experienced and built in the way we all approach our life space and techspace. The digital transformation that is driving innovation and disruptions in techspace is already making headways while blurring the boundaries between the digital (virtual) and physical world. This is leading to unprecedented changes impacting the day-to-day life. The rapid changes that are happening at such a fast speed need to be regularly tracked and kept in pace with and for that geospatial information (GI) needs to be driving this digital (virtual) uprising.
Women Geospatial Coterie (WGC) has been conceived by experienced geospatial professionals Dr. Yogita Shukla and Ms. Swati Grover as a small step towards building harmony between the physical, digital and quantum with Geospatial as the seminal strength. Incorporated on 8th December 2017, WGC is a not-for-profit trust that aims to foster the adoption of geospatial technologies by strengthening the user organisations in technology usage and assimilation.
The focus of this Coterie is therefore to create a common platform through an online portal as well as through a blog to get together the ideas, the experiences, the apprehensions, the challenges and then build the network of user organisations in Geospatial domain. While building this network in the Geospatial, Surveying and Mapping Community, WGC also aims in promoting the technology to the masses through exclusive trainings, research studies, workshops, conferences etc., in the realms of geospatial, surveying and mapping, energy, environment, and sustainable development etc.